Leading Japanese game developer Namco released YumeBench in 2003. This computer application is based on the storyline of a PlayStation 2 game called Yumeria. Yumeria is an anime-style adventure game. The story revolves around the character of the teenager Tomokazu Mikuri who has recently turned 16. The main character leads a life without the company of women. He then dreams of a beautiful girl fighting an alien enemy called the Feyndooms, and then realizes that he can control the unknown girl’s every action and boost her powers as the invading race attempts to break out of the dream world and into Mikuri’s world. There are several female characters in this game. These characters are showcased in the Yumeria application.
YumeBench is a program that can be downloaded and installed in any computer. The application can be compared to a short game demonstration. The program contains a short video of the Yumeria story. It uses hybrid graphics, with 3D characters set on two-dimensional backgrounds. It starts by showing a loop of four primary game characters dressed in different garb and posing for the camera. Aside from this continuous image loop, program users can also expect a short game demo. The video loop is accompanied by a condensed version of Yumeria’s theme music.