WWII Tank Commander

WildTangent, Inc. (Shareware)

WWII Tank Commander is a computer game that offers players the ability to enjoy a first-person shooter game set in World War II by the French countryside. Created and developed by Wild Tangent Inc., this particular game has the primary objective of having the player destroy any member and faction of the opposition thereby succeeding at freeing Europe from the rule of the Nazis.

Unlike other similar games where players take the role of soldiers, in the game WWII Tank Commander, players are able to act as the primary commander of a tank platoon under a man called General Patton. Players are armed with a Sherman tank setup where, instead of firing traditional military weapons, they are able to fire ammo straight from powerful launchers and cannons. There are different health packs and energy boosts that players get to take advantage of during the game provided that they get these once the packages become available on the game window.

Throughout the major course of gameplay, the player traverses French and German soil using a treaded tank. The game is relatively simple to play where the objective is to shoot and destroy. Basically, the more enemies and their armories that you destroy, the higher points you obtain. The game window offers a compass that can be used by players to know where they are headed and where they should be going per mission.