Virtua Tennis 3 is a tennis-based action game developed by Sega Corporation and released in Spring of 2007. It is the second arcade game sequel to the Virtua Tennis franchise. Virtua Tennis 3 features an Exhibition Mode and Tournament Mode. There is also a Challenge Mode in the Arcade version, as compared to the home version, which features Court Games and World Tour Mode.
Virtua Tennis 3 main game mode is the World Tour mode. Players create a tennis player for entry in the World Tour in the 300th position. The goal of the game is to reach the No.1 position. To do this, players need to win tournaments and matches, as well as academy exercises and training mini games. World Tour mode also allows users to interact with the featured player. Tournament mode is the arcade version, which allows players to choose either a professional player or one of his created players to compete in five matches to win the tournament. After every tournament, the player gets to battle a game boss, depending on the rank achieved. Rank A is challenged by Duke while a lower rank is challenged by King. Exhibition mode allows players to customize game options like the opponent and the court. There is also a multiplayer game mode called Court Games that features World Tour mini games.
Virtua Tennis 3 features different tennis courts from around the world. Professional World tennis players are also featured in Virtua Tennis 3.