IBM ViaVoice is a language-specific continous speech-recognition software that was released in 2005. The software is designed specifically for embedded devices. The software’s latest version can directly transfer text into Word.
IBM ViaVoice allows users to improve accuracy in decoding. This allows users to read over hundreds of sentences without any problem. The recorded data also acts as an acoustic model to the speaker or user for future recording session. The software also enables users to correct recorded words by editing it directly on the user interface. The software also recognizes the words that are frequently used. Users can browse websites with simple voice commands. The software’s intuitive tool reads back the typed words or phrases and dictated text. There are several editions of IBM ViaVoice: advanced edition, standard edition, personal edition, and ViaVoice for Mac. Simple voice commands such as opening websites, selecting files and folders, and simple data entry can be done by users. A special feature also allows users to recognize different speakers for easy translation and data entry. The software also identifies who is speaking, thus allowing easy access to a user’s commonly used words or sentences.
The software is now defunct. IBM gave the permission to Nuance Communications and transformed IBM ViaVoice into Dragon Naturally Speaking.