Trend Micro SafeSync

Trend Micro Inc. (Shareware)

Trend Micro SafeSync is a cloud synchronization and backup solution developed by Trend Micro, Inc. It allows users to sync and share files and documents between mobile devices and computers in real-time. The program can be used as a backup tool. It also enables users to stream multimedia files to a smartphone or table. Users can share the synced files through links where users can send it to anyone they want to share the file with. All synced files are automatically copied to a specified location.

Here are other features offered by Trend Micro SafeSync:

• Security and Protection – SafeSync uses 256-bit AES encryption when transferring files. The encryption it uses is similar to those used in banks giving users added security and protection to their files. Aside from this, the program also uses a permissions structure, wherein users must enter specific permission in order to view a file.
• Recovery – The program keeps a record of all synced files as well as the changes made on those files. This gives users the ability to recover or restore previous versions of the files. The program also offers a recycling bin, which can be used to retrieve accidentally deleted files.
• Sharing – Aside from giving out links of tsynced files, the program also features different ways of sharing. Files can be shared through emails, instant messaging programs, or even social networks. The social network feature can be used to post videos, photos, and documents straight to Twitter and Facebook.