Swiss Map online

Swisstopo (Proprietary)

Swiss Map online provides Internet-based data on the whole area comprising the territory of Switzerland. This utility is periodically updated such that only the latest information is provided to users. The information given includes route networks, hiking trails, cycle paths, as well as ski and snowshoe routes. Swiss Map online provides users with high-resolution orthofotos or aerial photographs.

Some of the features of Swiss Map online are:
• Calculation of elevation and slope
• Import and export features as well as printing option
• Zoom and transparency adjustments on both historical and geographical maps
• Data exchange directly with GPS devices
• Display of coordinates and name of places

Swiss Map online may be used as teaching aid or by private companies for whatever purpose it may save them. A multi-user or network license can be obtained. The main information provided by this utility is an overview of the whole country. The available maps are all listed on the site.

There are two distinct areas on Swiss Map online, namely the menu area and the visualization. The visualization area contains the maps, attributes, and relevant information. When map data is selected they are displayed. The user can move the map and make the most of the overlays, which can be created.