Crestron Electronics, Inc. (Freeware)

SIMPL+ is a programming tool developed by Creston Electronics. It is a procedural extension built on and with SIMPL (Symbol Intensive Master Programming Language), a proprietary programming language developed by the same corporation that made the tool. SIMPL+ has subroutines similar to that of the popular programming language C, and is used to create and compile customized control modules. These modules were developed by Creston for purposes such as home automation and the management of audio and video devices. Specifically, the programming is meant to facilitate the development of systems towards consumer interaction with devices like touch panels, home audio systems, amplifiers, keypads, and lighting.

Although the utility itself is used by SIMPL Windows, a programming app capable enough for experts yet accessible to novices, said utility was developed specifically for the language as a development tool for advanced programmers. Modules created with SIMPL+ may be added to user modules or programs created with the SIMPL language. The process of adding modules aids in extending the functionalities of the base module or resolving specific problems within the interaction between an interface and its device. Compared to using SIMPL, which can already provide the programmer with numerous ways to solve a particular concern within the code, SIMPL+ was meant for more complex programming issues.