Shutterfly Express Uploader

Shutterfly (Freeware)

Shutterfly Express Uploader is a free application which allows users to upload images to Shutterfly with 4x the normal speed from the desktop or from a browser. Shutterfly is an online-based photo publishing and printing service which offers free online photo storage, free online photo sharing, photo borders and back-of-print-messaging.

Shutterfly Express Uploader is a user friendly application. Users can drag and drop images entire folders as well as preview, rotate, and rename pictures. This means that users who have been using Windows for quite some time will have a pretty fast learning curve mastering the functions of this application. It gives users the capability to store, share, edit, enhance, and personalize memories of special times. A wide selection of photo borders is available to match different occasions, and the back-of-print messaging creates a personal touch to the images like how people kept track of their postcards before.

Different speed choices are also available depending on users’ needs:.

• Original- Images are uploaded at full resolution.
• Fast – Images are uploaded with a slightly reduced resolution perfect for cards and calendars.
• Express – Images are uploaded at a considerably reduced resolution geared towards online viewing.

In this time and age when social networking not only connects friends but also businesses and organization, this application can serve a purpose of offering a faster and simpler way to share images.