Short Movie Creator is a program that comes bundled with Nikon 1 digital cameras. This application lets users make movies from photographs, videos, and Motion Snapshots easily. Users need only to open the program’s file browser and select the files that they want incorporated into a movie, pick out a visual style and an audio file to serve as the movie’s soundtrack, and click the Create Movie button. Nikon’s movie creator will automatically combine the files, keeping the photo quality and resolution of videos and images. The finished movie is saved as a MOV file.
Short Movie Creator is equipped with a number of features, including:
• Creative Control – the program puts all multimedia files together, but users have control over the different transition effects and can adjust these according to their preferences. There are various visual styles to choose from as well, each offering a particular ambience to match any mood.
• Titles and Credits – users can add professional-quality titles and other text to movies. The program offers users a variety of text styles and backgrounds that may be added to any part of the movie.
• Soundtracks – the program has an audio library where users can select background music from. Users may also add songs from their own collection. The added tracks may be cut and mixed with others, and the volume can be adjusted in parts where there is video footage.