Network Media Player is a useful tool for sharing and playing media files from the computer to a home theater system. Network Media Player is also equipped with the means to stream movies and videos as well as image files from the Web and play them on a television screen. Network Media Player is an easy to use utility that does not require advanced knowledge of computers or computer programs.
People who want to share photo files, videos and other media files with friends and family members know how difficult it can be to give everyone access if they are all crowded around a computer screen. This program provides an all-in-one-solution that allows multimedia files to be played through a home network. Network Media Player is capable of finding the files without delay and playing them for the group.
Network Media Player supports a number of different formats, including JPEG, WMV, MP3, and MPEG.
Network Media Player has screen templates that are for both landscape and portrait layout. This utility is compatible with SMIL and HTML5. With one click on the appropriate icon, families and friends can enjoy watching their favorite shows together on Netflix or YouTube. Audio streaming is also allowed via active links such as Pandora or Picasa.