Mega Airport Frankfurt

Aerosoft GmbH (Proprietary)

Mega Airport Frankfurt is a simulation of Germany’s busiest airport and is developed to for use in the Microsoft FS2004 and Flight Simulator X programs. It shows the Frankfurt airport and its surroundings, with exact runway layouts, institutions, hangars, and buildings in high photographic detail. It makes use of complete navigation systems and lighting systems to make viewing as realistic as possible. The product updates are necessary to include the updates to the airport, particularly the buildings that are newly-constructed, and those that had been removed.

Aside from the simulation of the Frankfurt airport, this application also displays Frankfurt City, especially its skyscrapers. The ground texture is photorealistic as well. Some of Mega Airport Frankfurt’s features are as follows:

• Use of AGNIS as automatic docking system – AGNIS stands for Azimuth Guidance for Nose-In Stand, and is a reliable form of guidance. It is made up of two colored lights placed side by side.
• All navigation systems available – this application makes use of different kinds of navigation systems, including Non-Directional Beacons, Automatic Terminal Information Service, and VHF Omnidirectional Range.
• Static and Dynamic Objects – users will be able to see hundreds of runway and taxiway signs, as well as dynamic objects at the airport.
• Updated structures – users will be able to view the new A380 hangar and the park positions for the plane. Mega Airport Frankfurt also shows the new Lufthansa Aviation Center, Civil Service Center, and the Intercity Hotel, among others.