MDF to ISO 1.0 (Freeware)

MDF to ISO is an image converter file developed by It is particularly used for converting MDF files to ISO files. A Mirror Disk File, or MDF, is a CD/DVD image file format. Certain burning program like Alcohol 120% usually produces this type of image file format. ISO is also an image file format. However, ISO is considered the universal or standard format for image files. Most applications use the ISO format instead of the MDF file format. Because of this, it is sometimes necessary to convert MDF file to ISO since not all applications can handle MDF files. The MDF to ISO program is made for this kind of task. It is capable of generating an ISO 9660 file format.

The program features a straightforward interface. It is a small dialog box with an input path file (for MDF image files) and an output path file (for ISO image files). At the bottom of the path files is a progress bar that displays the progress of the conversion process. Users only have to choose the MDF file to be converted and then insert the name for the converted ISO file. After hitting the Convert button, the program automatically starts the conversion process. The conversion time depends on the size of the MDF file. There are no other options to configure.