
LightComm (Freeware)

LightManager is a mobile device application developed by LightComm in December 2012. It is specially developed for Android-powered mobile devices like Android phones and tablets. LightManager is a notification utility used by consumers to have LED lights notifications on their mobile device screen. LightManager allows users to configure the LED colors as well as the LED flashing frequency for several notification types.

LightManager supports Notifications for phone functions like Missed calls, MMS, and SMS. It also supports Notifications for Gmail, Calendar, Google Talk, and other third party apps. Social network notifications can also be configured such as for Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, LINE, and GoSMS. LightManager also features notification options for device status like Low Battery, Battery Charged, No Signal, No 3G, or No WiFi. LightManager features two operating modes—Normal Mode and Alternating Mode. Normal Mode flashes the LED Color for the notification only, even though there may be other notifications already. On the other hand, Alternating Mode lets several LED colors to flash alternately when there is more than one notification.  

When configuring LED notifications using LightManager, the user may select the specific notification type, for example, Missed Call. Upon selection, LightManager user interface show and a tick box for enabling or disabling the app. Users will find below the tick box the Color selector and the color Flash Rates that can be set as to number of seconds. Users may also specify the Hex Code for a specific color.