Groovedown 0.8

Grooveshark (Freeware)

GrooveDown is a free music download application that works with the music streaming service GrooveShark. The program allows the user to search Grooveshark’s library for the user’s particular choice of songs to download. Once the music tracks are found, the user can download these in one go. The user can do multiple searches, compile many tracks, and simply click on a button to download them straight to the user’s hard drive. The user’s configuration settings are simple – picking out the output file, name of the downloaded file, the maximum number of downloads to be done, and the output location. The user can also choose several SavePath options.

Working with Java Runtime, GrooveDown has a GUI (graphical user interface) that uses a plain layout with tabs for pre-selection. Users do their searches for their favorite songs or albums, hit artists, or compiled playlists which are shown in one panel in a window. Selecting the plus button (appearing on the side of each result) will begin the download process. Another tab keeps track of the ongoing download by showing on-screen information on the downloaded song – the path, current status, and download progress. There is also a history and a log screen that provides additional details on previous song searches and downloads.