Extreme Thumbnail Generator

Extreme Internet Software (Shareware)

Extreme Thumbnail Generator is a program that allows users to create thumbnails for photos and images that they want to place online. This can be used for online photo albums, or for adding product shots to an online store. The program is easy to use, even for those who are not computer savvy. The process of creating a thumbnail can be done in just a few clicks. Users have total control over the appearance of pages. The templates for the gallery are generated as HTML files. This allows users to import them to a HTML editor.

The application’s main window is displayed as a wizard, so users are taken through the process of creating the gallery. All images that are imported to the application are displayed as a list including the filename, file size, and the image size. Users can then utilize the buttons on the window to control the size and settings for the thumbnail. A preview of an image can be seen on the right side of the window as well. Gallery templates built-in to the application vary. Some of them include fixed thumbnails, horizontal of vertical frames, or a classic gallery. These templates are also available in different colors.