EVEMon Development Team (Freeware)

EVEMon is a program used for tracking, editing and monitoring an EVE Online character. Using this program, it is possible to view the player’s current attributes and skills. It can also display the current training and ISK balance. The application can be used for tracking several characters across several accounts. This enables players to monitor all the alts within a single interface.

Planning the progression of an EVE Online character is possible with this program. It features a Skill Planner tool that provides several planning elements including Plan Queue, Item Browser, Skill Browser, Certificate Browser and more. The Plan Queue also offers an Implant Calculator and Attribute Optimizer. There’s also a feature for exporting character sheet to different formats including EFT, HTML, XML and EMP. The program can also look over the created character plans and provide suggestions on Learning Skills. This helps players reduce the overall time for training. Skills can also be removed or added automatically from a plan if a plan file is loaded by another player. Once the training is complete, EVEMon will notify the user and will automatically update the character’s skill.

As a Character Monitoring application, EVEMon can be used to monitor not only the character’s skills but also its Employment History, Contacts, Wallet Journal, Wallet Transactions, Medals, Combat Log and more. The application also provides several tools for including a Scheduler, Mineral Worksheet, Market Unified Uploader, Blank Character Creator and more.