DWG TrueView

Autodesk, Inc. (Freeware)

DWG TrueView is a file-viewing software developed by Autodesk and released on June 2007. This program enables users to view and open proprietary DWG and DWF files. It is a standalone program that may be installed in the system without installing AutoCAD or other drawing programs. This program also combines the functionality of the TrueConvert software. TrueConvert enables users to convert AutoCAD-based drawing files into AutoCAD files and vice versa. TrueView incorporates this capability.

DWG TrueView is part of the DWG technology environment contained on several Autodesk programs. This technology enables users to draw, mold, render, measure, and annotate. DWG is also a proprietary file format which contains different information regarding maps, photos, geometric measurements, and designs. This file format is used on several Autodesk products including Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Inventor, among many.

DWG TrueView user interface features a collapsible menu ribbon and the workspace. Users may choose to show the menu in tabs or as panel titles. The program also features a customizable quick access toolbar with several options. These include DWG Convert, Plot, Plot Preview, and Batch Plot. Files may be exported through printing or publishing the same. In the Plot-Model Window, users can select the Printer, Plot area, Paper size, Plot scale, and Plot offset. The Publish dialog box enables users to set the Sheet List, Publish To output path, Publish Options, and Publish Output.