Drawn®: Dark Flight ™ Collector's Edition is a game that is set in the fictional Kingdom of Stonebriar. This is an adventure game that features magical worlds which players can enter through stunning paintings. In this game, the player also encounters fantastical characters in the quest to bring hope to the people of the different worlds.
This game features a special ending and surprising achievements. Another highlight of this edition is the original soundtrack. The package also contains an Integrated Smart Guide. This collector’s edition game by Big Fish Games is one of the computer games that is fueled by the imagination. This collector's edition features the adventures of Iris, and the player’s main task is to provide assistance and discover the mysteries surrounding three beacons. After escaping from a structure called the Tower, Iris has much to do and players must endeavor to save the heir to the throne.
Drawn®: Dark Flight ™ Collector's Edition is a game that satisfies the requirements of computer gamers with a thirst for fantasy adventures. The edition offers players with compelling wallpapers and concept hours, plus bonus hours of play. Drawn®: Dark Flight ™ Collector's Edition is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP, and Windows 8.