Adventure Game Studio is a game development program that was first released in 1997. It makes use of the C# and the Java scripting language. The program is geared towards mid-level game designers or those who create games as a hobby. Developers can create games with resolutions ranging from 320 by 200 until 1024 by 768. In addition, graphic filters can also be used in order to increase the game resolution when needed. It also supports three color depths – palette, hi-color, and true-color.
The work environment allows developers to create games by pointing and clicking. Developers can immediately see the effects of the game script, too. For the game graphics, there are two graphics drivers that are included in the program – Direct 3D 9 and DirectDraw 5. Audio formats supported are MIDI, MOD, OGG, WAV, and MP3, while video formats supported include OGV, AVI, FLC, and WMV.
Once developers have completed a game, it can be compiled as an executable file that is ready to be distributed and downloaded. Aside from that, the game can be translated to other languages with the use of the built-in translation engine.
Other features include:
• Script editor with support for syntax highlights, auto-complete, and call tips
• Support for debugging
• Complete audio features (multiple sound channels, background music, ambient sounds, and sound effects)