AddressRight (TM) Pro

Pitney Bowes Inc (Proprietary)

AddressRight Pro by Pitney Bowes Inc is a highly integrated, all-in-one, mail management system. The program offers a wide range and an extremely complete set of options for presorting mail. It is software designed for couriers. It was designed to save couriers time and streamline their delivery process by providing features to optimize their operations. With the myriad of problems that could arise with a traditional mailing system, care and attention have been given to the development of this program to meet the demands of couriers.

AddressRight Pro has intuitive features that make it easier for couriers to track their packages. Features such as duplicate detection, Locatable Address Conversion System or LACS, Pitney Bowes’ proprietary change of address service system or NCOA called Verimove Net are all available in the program and the developers highlight these as flagship features of the program. Other add-on features boasted by the developers include palletization, mail merging, mixed weight capabilities, and package services are also available within the application.

The highlights of these features include
• Presort Savings – Using presort methodology and algorithms approved by the USPS, PAVE, short for Presort Accuracy Validation and Evaluation ensures that addresses are sorted accurately and it also completes standard forms required by the USPS
• Palletization – Provides essential tracking options for various types of packages and therefore enabling faster delivery.
• Address Verification – Special algorithms ensure that addresses are within a deliverable range
• Mixed Weights – For first class or standard mail, this feature adds mixed weight options for packages