8086 Microprocessor Emulator (Freeware)

8086 Microprocessor Emulator, also known as EMU8086, is an emulator of the program 8086 microprocessor. It is developed with a built-in 8086 assembler. This application is able to run programs on both PC desktops and laptops. This tool is primarily designed to copy or emulate hardware. These include the memory of a program, CPU, RAM, input and output devices, and even the display screen.

There are instructions to follow when using this emulator. It can be executed into one of the two ways: backward or forward. There are also examples of assembly source code included. With this, it allows the programming of assembly language, reverse engineering, hardware architecture, and creating miniature operating system (OS).

The user interface of 8086 Microprocessor Emulator is simple and easy to manage. There are five major buttons with icons and titles included. These are “Load”, “Reload”, “Step Back”, “Single Step”, and “Run”. Above those buttons is the menu that includes “File”, “View”, “Virtual Devices”, “Virtual Drive”, and “Help”. Below the buttons is a series of choices that are usually in numbers and codes. At the leftmost part is an area called “Registers” with an indication of either “H” or “L”. The other side is divided into two, which enables users to manually reset, debug, flag, etc.