Sysinternals PsPasswd

Sysinternals - (Shareware)

For those who rely on Windows computers and Microsoft programs there is the Sysinternals suite. This is a series of tools that are meant to help out when there are troubleshooting and program management tasks that need to be accomplished. As these tools have been improved, solving computer issues are now simplified. One of the tools that can be found in this selection is called Sysinternals PsPasswd.

As an application, Sysinternals PsPasswd is able to provide its users with the ability to manage more than one system account spread over multiple computer systems in a given network. Administrative accounts are important since they give a person secure control over a computer from what can be installed, what processes can be activated, and what tasks can be terminated. This particular element of control is covered by a series of passwords. This is what makes everything secure.

With Sysinternals PsPasswd, the user is able to manage multiple accounts with ease because it allows him to change passwords for administrative accounts as is deemed necessary. In this case, apart from offering access to local computers, the users can also change passwords as needed on remote systems. Also, instead of manually changing the password per account, the user can trigger a mass reset changing all passwords for all accounts with the click of a button.