
Baycastle Software Ltd (Shareware)

DataSlave is an application that enables users to easily move their data around various databases, and improve the quality of the data in the process. Users without programming experience will be able to clean, de-duplicate, and validate data quickly. The program comes with an array of tools that gives users the ability to perform different tasks. For instance, the Export Function makes it possible for users to build their own add-ins; the runtime feature allows users to render maps directly from their application; and the design environment enables users to create maps for cleaning data and matching it the structure of the application before importing it.

DataSlave also comes with full documentation of the program’s class libraries as well as a year-long support subscription software updates. Through this program, users can validate their data against 100 standard functions and then map it onto an existing database. The program offers more than 30 transformation functions, which include Abbreviate, Append, Change Case, Extract, Join, and Name Split among others. The data can be imported from or exported to multiple formats, and de-duplicated to ensure that users do not send the same mail twice to the same recipient. The DataSlave Loader allows users to schedule the execution of the data.