Fort Zombie

Kerberos Productions (Proprietary)

Fort Zombie is an adventure role-playing game. The game was first released in 2009. The game is set in a fictional town in Indiana where players assume the role of Ben Riley who has survived the zombie apocalypse on earth. At the start of the game, players get the chance to customize the character’s attributes and skills. Skills are divided into different parts including Ben’s firearms, assault weapons, and combat skills. Under attributes, there are five sections including toughness, finesse, speed, power, and smarts.

After choosing the character’s attributes and skills, players must start getting rid of zombies while building their own fort. The main objective is to survive and in order to do this, players must scour for food, supplies, ammo, and weapons. It is also the player’s mission to save survivors that are still in town. During the course of the game, players must complete missions while managing their base. Managing the base involves taking care of survivors, and building traps for zombies. Missions are happen in a three-dimensional environment where players must kill zombies, while looking for weapons, supplies, and any survivors. The game has a day-to-day timeline and players must retire for the day and get rest before starting the next day.