StuffIt Expander

Aladdin Systems, Inc. (Freeware)

Stuffit Expander is a decompression utility developed by Smith Micro Software released on October 2012. The program enables users to access archive files created using the StuffIt program and other archiving programs. The Stuffit Expander supports several archive file formats including ZIP, 7Z, KGB, ARC, and RAR, among many. It can also recognize older archival file formats including SIT and SITZ.

Stuffit Expander features a simple grey –themed graphical user interface. The program initiates the decompression process using drag and drop function or adding files from the menu bar. The Open dialog box enables users to browse for the input archive file from local folders. The preview box on the right panel shows some information regarding the selected file including the file type, file size, and pertinent dates. The Stuffit Expander Preferences tab enables users to specify the output folder path. The same tab also contains tick boxes corresponding several options including Mount disk images, reveal in finder, and notification options. Users can also customize the program to move archive files to the bin after decompression. The General Preferences tab allows users to keep daily usage logs, view the same, and to automatically check for updates. The Advanced Preferences tab displays the different file types and file formats supported by the program. Users may configure each file format to be assigned to Stuffit Destinations, Archive manager, or Stuffit Expander.