A-PDF Page Size Split 2.4.0 (Shareware)

Page Size Split is an application used for splitting a PDF document into smaller PDF files based on the page size specified by the user. The program has a simple user interface that novice computer users will be able to manage. Splitting documents can be done in just three steps, which are labeled on the program’s main window. The three steps are:

1. Add PDF Documents – Users can add PDF documents by clicking on “Add Files” or “Add Folder” on the top portion of the window. All files imported to the program are displayed as a list with the file name and the location of the file in the system.
2. Output Settings – The second step is choosing the output settings for the file. For this section, users can choose the name pattern and the output folder. Users can also choose to create the file in the same folder where the source file is located.
3. Split PDF Documents – The last step is to split the PDF documents into pages. There are two options – Split Selected and Split All.

Page Size Split gives users control over the settings for the page size. There are pre-set options for different page sizes, but users can also add a new profile by clicking the “Add” button.