Advanced eBook Processor 2.2.200

ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. (Proprietary)

Advanced eBook Processor is a software program that was released by ElcomSoft Co. Ltd. in 2001. This is a Windows run program that is for the decryption of PDF files and ebooks. Most of the time, PDF (portable document format) files and ebooks come with several layers of protection including encrypted passwords and other restrictions. These make it difficult for people to view the contents of the files. These also make it difficult to load, copy, and transfer PDFs and ebooks from one device to the other. Similar to their line of password recovery applications, the Advanced eBook Processor program allows users to remove various usage restrictions making it easier for PDFs and ebooks to be viewed on various devices. Aside from this, the files that have already been decrypted can be copied for backup purposes.
The program does not only function with ebooks and PDF files. The Advanced eBook Processor software can also be used for files with varying DRM (digital rights management) configurations and security plugins. Usage restrictions can make viewing different documents more difficult than it has to be. Once decrypted, the user has the ability to:

• Select texts
• Copy texts
• Select graphics
• Copy graphics
• Alter form field