Simple Pass 2011 1.0

HP (Freeware)

SimplePass 2011 can protect the computer by using the computer owner’s fingerprint as a key to access the device. The software will scan the fingerprint to authenticate the user. Only after verification can the user log on to the computer. This saves the hassle of typing the username and the password on the computer every time the user has to log in. Setting up the software can be done by finding the program in computer. The program will then ask if the user is ready to enroll. Clicking “yes” will prompt the user to create a new password. The user will then be prompted to “select a finger” to enroll it. Additional fingers can also be enrolled by the same user.

One the setup is complete, websites (represented by icons) will be displayed at the screen’s lower portion. The user can open these websites and associate SimplePass with them. Right-clicking the desired icon will also prompt the user to type their login details first.

Other details of the software are the following:

• Layout can be customized (all categories, single category view)
• The user can add a new website or application.
• Quicklaunch feature that can activate multiple websites in just one swipe