GhostMouse 3.2

MrDo (Bundled)

GhostMouse can record mouse activity that happens on the screen. This software’s interface only has the command buttons displayed. To start a record, simply click on “record” to enable the program to start simulating mouse actions that the user wants to record. Hitting the “Play” button will play the recorded sequence. There are other tools in the “Options” tab such as configurations on how the software will record the mouse sequence.

GhostMouse can be very handy especially when it is minimized to the system tray. In this way, there is no need to click the mouse to record and play. Simply use dedicated keyboard hotkeys to do it. The hotkeys can also be customized in the “options” menu. Should the user encounter some problems, a help menu is available. There’s a manual with information on how to use the software and its features. The software can also notify the user whenever it starts a new operation.

Other features of the software are the following:

• Use the command line to create a mouse sequence
• Click play during recording sessions to create a loop
• Can be use for remote-system administration
• Satisfy a user’s automation needs.

The program is simple to use and even beginners will be able to operate it.