Weather Watcher 7190

Singer's Creations (Shareware)

Weather Watcher is a weather forecast utility developed by Singer’s Creations and released on July 2012. This program provides users with several weather-related information including temperature, weather forecasts, and expected highs and lows. This program provides current weather information as well as a 10-day forecast and a 46-hour forecast. This program also includes measurement conversions and maps.

Weather Watcher provides users with current weather-related info automatically including humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, dew point, and moon phases. This information may be accessed by providing a specific city or a zip code. Users may search for weather updates on more than just one location. Searched locations may be saved and accessed at another time. The Weather Watcher interface minimizes to the system tray and shows as a temperature readout icon. Users may switch through several saved locations by mousing over the icon.

The Weather Watcher interface features a tabbed interface with seven tabs at the top panel corresponding to the following: Now, Hourly, Daily, Monthly, Local, Alerts, and Maps. Weather forecast under Now tab is divided into Currently, Today, and Tonight, with corresponding Highs, Lows, Precipitation, Sunrise, and Sunset. The interface also provides some customization options including making changes to the skin, sounds, system tray icon, maps, icons behavior, and wallpapers. Image file formats supported include GIF, JPEG, HTML, and BMP.