Lingvo x5

ABBYY (BIT Software) (Shareware)

Lingvo is an award winning software dictionary that can be used for both desktop and mobile devices. With its credible content, it is an essential tool in both work and personal everyday life due to its translation, reading and learning facilities.  

It is comprised of 86 dictionaries in which Oxford, HarperCollins, K Dictionaries, Compact Verlag, and other dictionaries from leading publishers are included. It also translates a total of eight languages that are English, Chinese, Russian, German, French, Italian, Polish and Spanish.  English, Russian, and German are the core initial languages in the system.  As an application it is provides 5,800,000 phrases and headwords in its entirety. This software is also beneficial for those who are studying the English language. Its English dictionary application comes with audio, pictures and video elements to supplement quick learning of the language.  With such supplements, one is able to learn about common expressions and proper pronunciation and examine videos depicting real-life usage.  Along with words, word combinations can also be accurately translated.  It is a convenient tool as it can be installed in contemporary popular devices such as tablets and smartphones. Other features included in the software are examples of word and use forms, synonyms and phonetic transcriptions.