Toolbook II Publisher

Asymetrix Corp. (Proprietary)

Toolbook II Publisher is an object-oriented programming environment developed specially for Microsoft Windows by Asymetrix Corporation in 1990. This software enables users to create programs for Windows using OpenScript programming language. This program features Content templates, Smart Styles, and Smart Pages that enables users to create custom applications for various functions like education, business, databases, application prototypes, and interactive trainings. Smart Pages enable users to access dozens of common page layouts used in most professional e-learning sites. Smart Pages also contains some interactive features by default that users may utilize.

Toolbook II Publisher offers common Windows environment features and programming applications. It also enables users to create applications with a Windows-based graphical user interface including elements like dialog boxes, menu bars, and graphic controls. It offers an Object browser, a Page Browser, and a Log reader. It also has an Actions Editor, a Lesson Design Specialist, and a Universal Media Player. This program also offers a Book Explorer and DHTML Export support.

The program provides support for multiple browsers including Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, iPods and iPhones, and the Safari and the Google Android Browser. Other features include PowerPoint conversion and PNG Image support. The PowerPoint converter provides speaker notes conversion, as well as audio conversion.