The Interactive Disassembler 6.3

Hex-Rays SA (Shareware)

The Interactive Disassembler or IDA is an application developed by Hex-Rays and released in May 2012. This program renders assembly language source code from sources like machine-executable codes. This program also features various executable format support for various operating systems and processors. The Interactive Disassembler can also function as a debugger for several operating systems.

The Interactive Disassembler features automatic code analysis by analyzing code sections, API call parameters and other information. However, disassembly is not an exact science. Thus, The Interactive Disassembler still needs considerable human intervention. Nonetheless, The Interactive Disassembler features interactive functionality that improves the disassembling process. To begin disassembly, IDA will generate a disassembly listing automatically. Disassembled codes and data are converted from one to the other and vice versa. Disassembly listing data may also be renamed, edited, annotated, and modified to provide clear information about the software. The Interactive Disassembler also supports scripting through IDC scripts that extends the disassembly operation. This program provides some helpful scripts that can be the basis for user-defined scripts.

The Interactive Disassembler or IDA was previously developed as a shareware by Russian software developer, Ilfak Guilfanov. It was then made available commercially under Belgian Company DataRescue. However, Guilfanov founded Hex Rays in 2007 and reacquired The Interactive Disassembler and developed the software to The Interactive Disassembler Pro or IDA Pro.