Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing 1.4.3

The Scribus Team (Freeware)

Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing is free software developed by The Scribus Team and released on June 2003. However, its first stable release was on April 2012. This software specializes in layout, typesetting, and professional imagesetting. Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing also features support for interactive PDF forms and presentations. It features WYSIWYG rendering, thus, layout and images shown on the screen are accurate renditions of the end product.

Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing features bitmap format support for JPEG and Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, among others. For professional typesetting and imagesetting, Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing offers CMYK, Spot Color support, and ICC Color Management support. For PDF support, Scribus features transparency, encryption, interactive form fields, and annotations. Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing file format SLA is XML-based, thus, OpenDocument files may be readily imported and will retain formatting upon import. Word and PDB files will be converted to plain text upon paste.

Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing is a multi-lingual software offering support for more than 24 languages. It offers high-level printing through a Level 3 PostScript Driver with font embedding and font sub-setting support. Scribus - Open Source Desktop Publishing includes font style editing supported by Unicode character encoding but not complex script rendering. Thus, files with Hindi or Arabic typesetting may not be rendered.