
International GeoGebra Institute (Open Source)

GeoGebra is a program that enables users to perform various mathematical applications such as geometry, algebra, and calculus and export the resulting data as a project file. This program provides an interface that allows users to perform numeric-text input of mathematical variables, equations, and formulas as well as displaying graphic visualization for geometric figures and equation illustrations. GeoGebra has a dynamic geometry system that enables users to make constructions with points, segments, polygons, inequalities, vectors, lines, conic sections, implicit polynomials, and other mathematical functions. This program is written using the Java programming language making it compatible with multiple platforms.

GeoGebra has an input bar where users may type equations and input coordinates. The program offers two views: an Algebra window, where users may type and edit expressions, and a Geometry window where the expressions would be illustrated. Changes done by the user in the Algebra window would immediately be shown in Geometry window. GeoGebra allows users to export projects into various formats. These formats include PNG, PDF, EPS, PGF/TiKZ, and Asymptote. The program can also produce dynamic applets that can be directly uploaded to GeoGebraTube or in a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)-supported platform. In addition, the program can export project files into Google gadgets and MediaWiki.