• TaxCalc 2011

    Acorah Software Products (Proprietary)

    TaxCalc 2011 is a software used for calculating taxes. Its professional features are designed to connect the UK taxpayer and the HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs)...

  • TeamViewer Manager 7

    TeamViewer GmbH (Shareware)

    TeamViewer Manager 7 is a business database application that is able to store the user’s partner details in a database. The data can then be shared over...

  • TextMaker

    SoftMaker Software GmbH (Bundled)

    PlanMaker is the spreadsheet application bundled with SoftMaker Office suite. It is used for calculating and creating spreadsheets. Creating charts is also...

  • TicketBench Enterprise Application (Shareware)

    TicketBench Enterprise is an application used for creating tickets for raffles and events. The program is easy to use and users do not need to have...

  • TImeClock Application

    Timesheets MTS Software (Shareware)

    TimeClock Application or Time Clock MTS is a program developed by Timesheets MTS Software. This is designed to track time records and collect information on...

  • TurboGrid

    Ansys, Inc. (Proprietary)

    TurboGrid is a mesh creation software developed especially for turbomachinery analysts and designers. This program is especially useful for development of...

  • TurboTax Personal Income Tax

    Intuit Canada, a general partnership (Shareware)

    TurboTax Personal Income Tax is a desktop program designed to guide and help users fill out and file income tax returns. The program works like a car GPS...

  • Twidium

    Twidium (Shareware)

    Twidium, also known as Twidium Inviter, is an application used for increasing the user’s number of followers on the social media platform, Twitter. The...

  • VMware Infrastructure Client

    VMware, Inc. (Freeware)

    VMware Infrastructure Client is a virtual data center that enables users to have an optimized IT infrastructure. It is a program that maximizes...

  • VMware Infrastructure Client

    VMware, Inc. (Freeware)

    VMware Infrastructure Client is a virtual data center that enables users to have an optimized IT infrastructure. It is a program that maximizes...